Wednesday 23 March 2011

Budget 2011 - Rolling Blog

Once again, a rolling blog as things unfold today during the budget announcement; most recent posts are at the top.  Mostly copied from my twitter feed but also with some more extend sections of analysis, particularly looking at the impact of the Chancellor's announcement for Higher Education. 

1455 @cjgrinbergs

My Blog: #Budget: Remembered for Slower Growth, Fuel Cuts, Changing University Research or Elizabeth Taylor?

1343 @cjgrinbergs
@BigBigBen Given technical nature possibly but traditionally felt moreof a heavyweight speaker needed as such fundamental issue.

1342 @cjgrinbergs
RT @BigBigBen Ta for all those reminding me that the leader of the opposition responds to the budget. Would make more sense for the Shad Chancellor, no?

1342 @cjgrinbergs
@BigBigBen Leader of the opposition always replies to budget statements (though not to spending reviews).

1338 @cjgrinbergs
RT @BigBigBen Why isn't Balls responding? #budget11

1333 @cjgrinbergs
Content light from Leader of the Opposition - waving finger going quickly. #budget

1332 @cjgrinbergs
Fuel duty reduced by 1p/litre from 6pm & stabiliser to be introduced. #budget

1328 @cjgrinbergs
RT @BBCLauraK So here we go on fuel duty ...#BBCBudget
RT @Peston Here comes the big one: fuel duty. #bbcbudget

1321 @cjgrinbergs
Is the coverage of #budget today going to be overshadowed by sad death of Elizabeth Taylor. Osborne may be relieved.

1319 @cjgrinbergs
RT @fieldproducer ABC News reports that Elizabeth Taylor has died

1312 @cjgrinbergs
24 (up from 12) new university technical colleges. #budget

1311 @cjgrinbergs
Undertrained & under-educated citizens is one of the main challenges for the growing economy #budget

1309 @cjgrinbergs
Can business guarantee the quality of research without well qualified people from #universities? Need money for Unis, too. #budget

1305 @cjgrinbergs
All these #budgets changes to research seem to be confirming that research is no longer sole domain of #universities

1303 @cjgrinbergs
Osborne: "Research should not take place in our great universities" & increases support for business-based research. #budget #universities

1301 @cjgrinbergs
9 new #universities centres for innovative manufacturing. Some good news for Higher Ed. #budget

1252 @cjgrinbergs
RT @TheReverendDan Corporation Tax cut by 2% - 'BRITAIN IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS'. #Budget

1249 @cjgrinbergs
As predicted, Treasury to investigate merging National Insurance & Income Tax but without affecting those who do not pay NI. #Budget

1243 @cjgrinbergs
RT @MrUJOldfield These are quite modest revisions from the OBR. I wouldn't be as modest. There'll be growth but not as strong as 2.5% #bbcbudget

1241 @cjgrinbergs
Office for Budget Responsibility: Good way for Chancellor to avoid tricky #budget questions.

1240 @cjgrinbergs
Economic stats not good but could be worse. And it is not Osborne's numbers - the EU ones are also bad. #budget

1237 @cjgrinbergs
Live on My Blog: Rolling blog for #budget analysis including impact on #universities

1234 @cjgrinbergs
So last #PMQs reply allows a final attack on the Labour #budget record but will the Chancellor be under attack himself now?

1230 @cjgrinbergs
#PMQs getting louder & attacks on Labour's eeconomic record become more regular as #budget approaches.

1224 @cjgrinbergs
RT @BBCLauraK PMQs always a bit strange before budget - everyone waiting for main event...wide range of questions tho

1218 @cjgrinbergs
Cameron hints at Council Tax freeze & investment in sci/tech local. Will #universities have access to the latter? #budget

1217 @cjgrinbergs
Good discussion on Libya in PMQs & some good answers from Cameron once again. #PMQs #Budget

1215 @cjgrinbergs
So PMQs has few bits on defense, disability allowance & other areas which may hint at #budget but noisy & little detail.

1151 @cjgrinbergs
All the BBC predictions say that the economy is not doing as well as Osbourne might have hoped so #budget tricky game.

1150 @cjgrinbergs
BBC pre-announcement predictions: possible good news for education but not sure that will extend to #universities #budget

1144 @cjgrinbergs
My Blog: Rolling blog for #budget analysis including impact on #universities

1130 @cjgrinbergs
@chrisgolds @mattkmoore And now the BBC - too - good to know the Licence Fee can afford it (may have to be grounded after the budget)

1129 RT by @cjgrinbergs
chrisgolds “@mattkmoore: Sky News have a Budget Day skycopter! For an event that is both indoors and sedentary...” Brilliant! Made me LAUGH OUT

1030 @WellMax81
For those at work who want updates on the #budget2011 follow @cjgrinbergs for concise updates and analysis. (he's also a very nice chap)

0926 @cjgrinbergs
Despite #Budget2011 tweets also off to @IOE_London open evening.Will tweet reflections on my research, doctoral work & #universities generally

0925 @cjgrinbergs
Income Tax/National Insurance: politically introduced, politically removed. Who cares: still money out of pay packet. #Budget2011

0922 @cjgrinbergs
Changes to income Tax/National Insurance makes little dif to my work bar reducing to single calculation. #Budget2011 #universities

0920 @cjgrinbergs
Sci/tech/business will continue to be focus but perhaps a surprise few pounds in student fee wavers for lib dems? #Budget2011 #universities

0915 @cjgrinbergs
So far #bbcr4 predicts money for science & regions: no surprise but doesn't help arts/humanities research. #Budget2011 #universities

0900 @cjgrinbergs
Well it's budget day so I'll be tweeting on & off, especially on any Higher Education announcements. #Budget2011 #universities

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