Wednesday 19 September 2012

Keeping Momentum Going

So another 2 months gone, another 2 chapters submitted. And what a hard couple of chapters they've been to write. The longer that this PhD goes on, the more I realise there is to do both in terms of work on the PhD and in terms of my development. I am repeatedly told that this is the highest level of degree available and it shouldn't be easy. I am also told that things get harder before they are finished. Doesn't exactly fill me with joy.

It's been a busy few months at home; there have been some serious changes in the family with 2 engagements: my Brother (expected) and Daddy (unexpected). I've also been going through some changes at work as well as trying to sort a house move in the coming weeks. Trying to keep things going on the PhD is the least of y worries and yet when I was sitting writing I remembered how much I was enjoying things. This is one of the best thugs that I have ever done which is just about enough momentum to inspire me to finish things off.

Above all, there's been the Olympics and Paralympics this summer. I was lucky to attend some brilliant sessions and also to perform in the wonderful Paralympics Opening Ceremony. Witnessing the drive and determination that the athletes had had to go through to get to those finals was inspiring. They must have dark mornings and days when they want to hide away. When I was practicing for the Paralympics Opening Ceremony there were hours of hanging around followed by slightly mindless repetitive activities. A bit like the PhD. Yet throughout on the whole we managed to keep the enthusiasm going. And of was worth it, for that moment when we walked into the stadium and performed our section. The buzz of 80,000 people cheering for you was great. The effort behind the scenes was worth it for the final public performance. And that's how I can be inspired with my PhD by the Olympics: keep going, it will be worth it.

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