Thursday 13 May 2010

Tutorial 12/05/10

Had tutorial last night and meant to write about it before bed but was so shattered (and slightly intrigued by the Cameron/Clegg love-in) that it has waited until today. 

It was quite a good session and we talked our way through the interim report which I had written.  It was an amalgamation of all the essays I have written.  It seems that the main issue is a stylistic one with the use of terms not quite justified.  The problem is that we all use terms like internationalisation, Europe and so on without thinking and mainly influenced by what the media uses.  I am influenced by the media and politics (you just need to read this blog to tell that) but I do need to think how they are using the terms. 

I think was a bit argumentative through the meeting but I did not mean to be.  I just feel slightly defensive of my work but if I am really to succeed then I have to allow people to criticise and come back with a positive answer. 

Session useful and going forward need to work on the Lit Rev and using that to critically examine the policy documentation rather than relying on it. 

In other news, afterwards went to the second of the Researching Education Lectures.  Not hugely useful and as one colleague put it, more akin to a conversation you would have around the kitchen table than one for a lecture.  That said, had a really useful conversation about motivating oneself to do research.  Though the content of these sessions are not always helpful, the time spent with others facing the same problems is probably the best bit. 

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